Repetier server manual pdf
Repetier server manual pdf

repetier server manual pdf
  1. Repetier server manual pdf how to#
  2. Repetier server manual pdf install#
  3. Repetier server manual pdf serial#
  4. Repetier server manual pdf drivers#

At the start you have only the default printer. You will see a window like this:Īt the top you see a drop down box, with the currently selected printer. Go to the menu “Config”->”Printer Settings” or klick the button. If you have uploaded the firmware to your printer, the driver is already installed.

Repetier server manual pdf drivers#

Some printer need special driver to access the device, so make sure the drivers are also installed. Make sure your printer is connected and enabled. The next step should be, to configure your printer so you can connect your computer with the host. The work directory is, where the host will put temporary stl files, sliced results and if enabled the log file. You can select any directory, where you have write privileges, but it is advised to use a separate directory for this purpose.

repetier server manual pdf

The latest windows versions skip this step, because the installer already created a work directory for you. Configuration First startĪfter the first start a dialog may pop up asking you, where your work directory should be. On Debian you can call: usermod -a -G dialout yourUserName You need to put your user into the right group.

Repetier server manual pdf serial#

One problem that most linux distributions have is, that the normal users are not allowed to connect to a serial console.

Repetier server manual pdf install#

If you are in doubt, install Mono develop, which has all needed libraries as dependency. Make sure you have all required Mono libraries installed. Move it to where you want your files and unpack its contents and run the post installation script: tar -xzf repetierHostLinux_1_03.tgzĪfter that you have a link in /usr/bin to the installation, so you can start it with repetierHost. The linux version comes as gzipped tar file. The installer already contains Slic3r and Skeinforge for slicing and python and pypy, which are needed to run Skeinforge. After downloading run the installer and you are done. The windows version comes with a installer. Go to the download page and fetch the latest version for your os. With lower versions you may have speed issues with live preview. For a good rendering performance OpenGL 1.5 or higher is needed. The only other requirement is a graphic card with OpenGL. NET framework 4.0 or a recent Mono installation, if you are running Linux. If you have a Macintosh computer, check for the Repetier-Host Mac on this site. The Host works on Windows XP and later and on Linux. If you have an old computer running Windows XP you may have difficulties. Currently available computers should have no problems at all. It has been most difficult but I don't want to leave repetier because I'm so very impressed with it when it did connect and print.Before you start with the installation, you should check if your computer meets the requirements. Could not find what port I'm on there is very little documentation for the orangepi and armbian. It got so bad that repetier server would not even connect on removing the Ender 3 and trying to set up from scratch. Unfortunately turning everything off for the night and then restarting in following evening resulted in a broken chain image on the browser and even though I asked repetier to connect to the printer it wouldn't or couldn't. The last few days I had a working repetier server on my orangepi talking to my Ender 3 pro.

Repetier server manual pdf how to#

It has been very difficult finding resources in which to help, however I have learnt how to use putty and FileZilla to SSH and share files to install repetier server. I stumbled upon Repetier server by accident when trying to set-up another 3d printing server on my orangepi.

Repetier server manual pdf