If i could go back in time
If i could go back in time

if i could go back in time
  1. #If i could go back in time tv
  2. #If i could go back in time free

So instead of going back and fixing those answers on my 3rd grade spelling test, or making friends with who I'd now know would turn into the "cool kids" later in school, I'd watch TV, just one more time before I'd never have the chance again."

#If i could go back in time tv

I don't remember why I really just wanted to watch TV with him that day, but I will forever be glad that I did. I wasn't really even talking except when I had no idea what the TV was saying and needed to ask questions, and how he got a little light back in his eyes about getting to watch his grandchildren grow up. Well she told me that when I left their house that night he went on and on about how happy it made him just to be able to sit with me.

if i could go back in time

#If i could go back in time free

Of course I did! I had gotten free candy and a lazy day at my grandparents out of it, what kid wouldn't. Well at some point during the whole walk down memory lane, grandma looked and me and asked if I remembered watching Judge Judy with him a couple of days before he died. I'll never be able to truly explain the kind of roller coaster relationship I had with him, but when he died I remember sitting around the dinner table with my family just remembering him: his quirks, his moods, likes and dislikes, the whole kit and caboodle. I wouldn't change anything about my past, but if I had the chance to go back, for just one day, I would use it to give my grandfather one more happy moment. As a child, I never paid much mind to when he would ask me to just sit with him to watch TV, and would often make up an excuse to not stick around. I wouldn't go for a party or big fancy event, but simply to sit with my grandfather, eating Werther's Original candy, and being bored out of my mind watching either the news, Jeopardy, or Judge Judy( because they were really the only things he'd watch). "If I could go back in my lifetime to any place, I would go to my grandparent's house in the spring of 2007. As I grow up and look back at the little things that I could of done but never did, it kills me in the inside." Every time I hear the song, "I don't dance", I keep telling my dad that's gonna be our song that we dance to on my wedding dance it fits us perfectly. What if something happened to my dad and I won't get a chance with him ever? It's the little things that count in life, even if it is just a little dance. But I learned that I shouldn't take anything for granted. I look back at it because the next time that I'm going to dance with my dad is at my wedding. Every time I look back at it I regret it more and more because my dad does not dance often and went out of his way to go to that dance that I didn't even take part of. "So if I could go back in time I would go back to the Father Daughter dance! The reason why is because I was such a big tomboy I thought dancing with my dad was too girly for me, so I didn't dance with him at all.

If i could go back in time